Donations – Fineart


The gallery welcomes outright ‘Gifts of Art’ that are in accordance with our collection and adheres to FineArts’ standards.
FineArt houses a collection of masterpieces- paintings, sculptures,photographs. In seeking to complement and enhance these collections, the gallery accepts and appreciates ‘Gifts of Art’ in adding to its portfolio and presenting artwork of the highest quality.
Your support makes it possible for FineArt to present creativity, where persons of all ages and backgrounds would find joy and inspiration. Your ‘Gift Of Art’ will support our ongoing efforts to respond and lead our growing community in a rapidly changing society; making art accessible to all.
We believe that our mission is more relevant than ever, and are honored by your trust in us to present your artwork.

How your Donation Helps

Develop and maintain vital cultural resources

Share art that uplifts and inspires our community

Sustain essential operations at

A great medium for marketing

Create engaging programming and extraordinary exhibitions

Terms of Donation only accepts Unconditional Gifts- 
An unconditional gift means there are no stipulations the museum has to abide by. You must also prepare for the fact that an unconditional gift could result in a sale on the museum’s behalf. When you agree to donate the piece as an unconditional gift, you are giving up all rights to the artwork.

Your Collection May Be Separated-
 In the event of a large donation, it’s understandable that you want the grouping of your art to be respected. This, in most cases, will be respected. There may be “at some point” a period of short separation for showcasing purposes however.

Understand You Are No Longer the Owner- 
As a donor it is important to understand the relationship that FineArtis willing to participate in. Artists are no longer the sole owners of artwork donated and therefore cannot dictate how artwork is presented and when.
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